In short:
First test event: January 8th, 2021
Time: One hour into Gronco (10PM ET)
Teams: 2 teams of 3 members each
Objective: Each team gets 2 attempts to clear Hidden Hideout with a low time
How to win: The team with the lowest time wins
No grand prize for test event; participation reward is 20,000,000 dz per person
Free to enter; please follow the rules of the competition
Participating Teams
Team #1: PeepoClown, Xecity, Lith
Team #2: irfat, Lily, Cloudream
Please read the full info page before participating.
As some of you may have already heard from my stream, I will be hosting weekly competitions that will pit teams of 3 against each other to compete for the fastest clear time in raids such as Hidden Hideout and Viilor’s Altar. Many players have enhanced their weapons and equipment to the max, so while we’re in a lull state preparing for the next raid, I believe now is the perfect time for players to compete on an even playing field.
The first event will be a test event. Two pre-set teams of 3 will compete to clear Hidden Hideout as fast as possible. Each team will get two attempts. Fastest time wins! For the test event, there will be no grand prize; rather, each participant will receive 20,000,0000 dz. When official competition begins, a larger prize pool will be announced.
I would like to invite anyone who cleared Hidden Hideout in less than 3 minutes either this week or last week to be a team captain and let me know they are interested in forming a team for the test event. Based on last week’s ranking list and the beginning of this week’s, the players that qualify to be a team captain are:
If you are on this list and wish to participate in the test event, please let me know through or my discord, which can be found at the stream link. Team captains will be selected on a first come, first serve basis. Once you have been accepted, you will be required to notify me of the members of your team before the day of the competition. Only the team captains must be on this list; the members they choose to make up the team do not have to be. Please read the following rules before requesting to join:
- Teams are 3 so that I (dv8playsgames) can join the party and record the run.
- Team captains will be selected on a first come first serve basis.
- In the event that dv8playsgames, as the camera person, interferes with the run, a solution will be decided on the spot.
- Any stat boosting items, such as scents, pills, plants, ARE STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. My goal is not for competitors to incur a huge cost for participating, so this rule is in place in order to create a fair playing ground for all participants.
- Healing consumables, stamina recovery items, sf recovery items, are allowed as long as the consumable itself does not provide any stat boosting effects
- If a run is bugged, laggy, or facing “desync”, the team can choose to finish the run in order to collect drops or abandon and the time will not count for the competition.
- If a player disconnects during a run, their team will get an opportunity to try one more time. Any disconnect after that will be classified as a lost attempt. Please make sure your gaming conditions are stable if you decide to participate in this event.
- dv8playsgames will serve as the referee for the event. Any misconduct will not be tolerated and may result in a warning or disqualification.